
STEP 1: Enable Premium Features

  • Enable premium features exclusively for $OMND token holders, offering early access to new functionalities and advanced tools.

STEP 2: Expand Crypto Compatibility

  • Expand crypto compatibility by integrating features such as charts, audits, and wallet tracking for a comprehensive user experience.

STEP 3: Implement DePIN

  • Implement DePIN (Decentralized API distribution) with $OMND payments, fostering a decentralized AI economy.

STEP 4: Roll Out Additional Features

  • Roll out additional features dependent on OpenAI's advancements, including real-time audio-visual interactions and dynamic video.

Join us as we progress through these transformative steps, shaping the decentralized future of AI with OpenMind. Stay tuned for continuous innovation and expansion as we move forward in this exciting journey.

Last updated