
Token Name: OpenMind

Token Symbol: $OMND

Blockchain: Ethereum

Total Supply: 1.000.000,00

Tax: 5/5 Contract:

Contract Address: TBA (To Be Announced)

Contract Renounced: Yes

Liquidity Pool: LP Locked for 1 Year Allocation of Funds:

AI Research and Development: Dedicated funds for ongoing research and development to enhance the capabilities of the OpenMind AI, including advancements in natural language processing, image recognition, and other AI-driven functionalities.

Blockchain Integration: Allocation of resources for seamless integration with Ethereum blockchain, ensuring secure and efficient transactions using $OMND tokens within the OpenMind ecosystem.

Community Engagement: Investment in community building initiatives, including events, workshops, and educational programs, to foster a vibrant and supportive ecosystem around OpenMind. Security and Audits: Commitment to maintaining the highest standards of security and transparency through regular security audits and the implementation of robust security protocols.

Marketing and Adoption: Strategic allocation of resources for marketing campaigns and user acquisition efforts to drive widespread adoption of OpenMind among AI enthusiasts, developers, and businesses.

Ecosystem Growth and Sustainability: Dedication of funds for the sustainable growth and long-term viability of the OpenMind ecosystem, ensuring its scalability, resilience, and continued innovation. Feel free to review and provide any feedback or additional details you'd like to include!

Last updated